Clément Calvino
I'm a PhD student under the supervision of Profesor Frédéric Dias, head of the Wave Group in University College Dublin, and co-supervised by Tomasz Dabrowski, team leader of the Ocean Modelling group in the Marine Institute, which is founding my thesis through the Cullen Fellowship.
I did my studies in France and graduated from the engineering school Ecole polytechnique, near Paris, with a speciality in Energy of the 21st century. After a short internship in France Energies Marines, Brest, I grew a strong interest for the study of waves and the ocean, then jumped on the opportunity to do so for a few years by joining the Wave Group in September 2017.
My work revolves around setting up a coupled ocean-wave model for Galway Bay and studying the interaction between waves and current in this area from a numerical point of view. I made a short video for the SIAM Student Chapter in Dublin where I explain briefly my work, if you want to know a bit more about my research you can check it here.
Through my work I have gained some expertise in processing bathymetry data, setting up wave numerical models like WAVEWATCH III® and SWAN and the ocean model ROMS, those are complex numerical models merging together a wide range of physical processes. I am also working with in-situ measurements from tidal gauges, wave buoys and ADCPs in order to validate my models and characterize the hydrodynamic and wave propagation in my application.