Filippo Stellin is a postdoctoral researcher since 2020 at the Centre Borelli of ENS Paris-Saclay in Gif-sur-Yvette (France). He currently works on a research project on interacting ultracold Bose gases in random potentials within the framework of the Simons Collaboration Localization of Waves.
He comes from Padua (Italy) where he obtained both his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in 2012 and 2015 respectively. His Bachelor’s degree manuscript focused on quantum tunneling with Bose-Einstein condensates in triple-well potentials. In his Master’s degree thesis, supervised by Prof. Luca Salasnich and Dr. Giovanni Mazzarella, the tunneling dynamics under the same geometry was analyzed in the presence of a cavity field.
He carried out his doctorate on Anderson localization in interacting quantum systems at the Université de Paris (previously known as Université Paris Diderot – Paris VII) within the INSPIRE European project. He defended his PhD thesis, conducted under the supervision of Prof. Giuliano Orso, in 2020. The core of his work consisted in the numerical investigation on the occurrence of two-body metal-insulator transitions in the Anderson-Hubbard model both in two- and three-dimensional lattices. He also studied the transport properties of spin-orbit coupled gases in correlated random potentials in two dimensions.
His research interests are positioned in the field of theoretical condensed-matter physics, in particular on ultracold quantum gases in random lattices. His publications can be found on ResearchGate, Google Scholar and arXiv.